Houses with unpermitted work are quite common in Los Angeles. There are many times homeowners do not obtain valid building permits before carrying out a major construction to save their money and/or avoid property taxes
Selling & Buying A House With Unpermitted Construction
Read This Before Building a Guesthouse
Growing family requiring more space in the existing home or need for rental income are all pushing
California Senate Passes AB 1033 (Ting): Sell ADU Separately
AB 1033 is designed to expand an existing provision in state law, allowing to independently sell the ADU separately
Top 12 Things To Know Before Converting Your Garage To An ADU
Garage to apartment, or accessory dwelling unit (ADU), conversion is amongst the popular ways to
How To Calculate ADU Loan
As the demand for housing continues to rise in Los Angeles, homeowners are increasingly turning to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) as a viable solution to address the housing shortage.
ADU Permit Cost Guide Los Angeles
Like any construction project, permits are an essential part of the process for building an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on your property to make sure that it complies with the local zoning, building, and construction codes.
ADU Amnesty Program Approved To Legalize Unpermitted Units
Los Angeles is considered one of the most viable locations to construct an ADU. For property owners, constructing
Financing ADU in California
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have gained significant popularity in California in recent years, largely due to the statewide crises of affordable housing.
Legalize Unpermitted Garage Conversion
Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a great way to generate rental income, increase property value
What are the rules for ADU in California?
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have gained traction in providing additional living spaces and addressing shortage of affordable housing and in Los Angeles.
Approved ADU Plans
An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a great way to leverage available space on your property to increase its value, maximize the housing options for your family and generate a passive income.
Building An ADU Is The Best Real Estate Investment In Los Angeles
Real estate investment has long been a cornerstone of wealth creation, offering investors a pathway to financial stability and growth.